Monday 9 September 2019

#16 Best Friend Advice Quotes

Best Friend Advice Quotes 

Best Friend Advice Quotes
Best Friend Advice Quotes

Anybody can listen to your problems. A friend
will give you advice to try to make you feel better.
A best friend will tell you the truth, the good, the bad,
or the ugly.
- Best Friend Advice Quotes

#15 Best Quotes About Feelings

Best Quotes About Feelings 

Best Quotes About Feelings
Best Quotes About Feelings

The best feeling in the world is...
When you look at that special person
And they are already smiling at you.
- Best Quotes About Feelings

#14 Best Lifestyle Quotes

Best Lifestyle Quotes 

Best Lifestyle Quotes
Best Lifestyle Quotes

Train your mind to see the good in everthing.
Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your 
life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
- Best Lifestyle Quotes
By Marcandangel

#13 Top Romantic Quotes

Top Romantic Quotes 

Top Romantic Quotes
Top Romantic Quotes

In French, you do not say "I miss you."
You say "tu me manques" which means
"You are missing from me."
I love that.
Top Romantic Quotes

#12 Lines For A Best Friend

Lines For A Best Friend 

Lines For A Best Friend
Lines For A Best Friend

There is one friend in the life of each of us
who seems not a separate person, however 
dear and beloved, but an expansion, an interpretation,
of one's self, the very meaning of one's soul.
- Lines For A Best Friend
By Edith Wharton