Wednesday 3 January 2018

Funny Inspirational Quotes

Funny Inspirational Quotes 

Funny Inspirational Quotes
Funny Inspirational Quotes

Be like a postage stamp.
Stick to a thing till you get
- Josh Billings

Funny Inspirational Quotes

Funny Inspirational Quotes 

Funny Inspirational Quotes
Funny Inspirational Quotes

I did not do it.
Then why are you laughing ?
Cause, Whoever did it is a freaking genius.

Funny Inspirational Quotes

Funny Inspirational Quotes 

Funny Inspirational Quotes
Funny Inspirational Quotes

The trick is to not let people
know how really weird you are until
it is too late for them to back out.

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Funny Inspirational Quotes

Funny Inspirational Quotes 

Funny Inspirational Quotes
Funny Inspirational Quotes

If you do not like where
you are, move. You are not a tree.

Funny Inspirational Quotes

Funny Inspirational Quotes 

Funny Inspirational Quotes
Funny Inspirational Quotes

If plan "A" did not work,
the alphabet has 25 more letters,