Sunday 27 July 2014

#20 Forward In Faith Ministries

Joel Osteen Quotes

joel osteen quotes
Positive Thinking

This is not the time to shrink back in F.E.A.R
Move forward in faith. Get up every morning knowing you are gifted

- Joel Osteen quotes

#19 Positive thinking

Joel Osteen Quotes

Joel Osteen Quotes

You may think there is a lot wrong with you, 
but there is also a lot right with you
- Joel Osteen Quotes

#18 Somebody needs your smile

Joel Osteen Quotes

joel osteen quotes
Life Quotes

You were created to make somebody else's life better.
Somebody needs your smile. They need your love, 
your ecouragement and your Gifts

- Joel Osteen Quotes

#17 Being Positive

Positive Thinking

Joel Osteen Quotes
Life Quotes

Being Positive Does not necessarily come naturally.
We have to make that decision daily.

#16 Remind yourself

Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking
Beautiful Quotes

Remind yourself that it's okay not to be perfect