Sunday 28 September 2014

#12 Keep Smiling, because life is a beautiful thing

Beautiful Quotes

Beautiful Quotes

Keep Smiling, because life's a beautiful 

thing & there's so much to smile about

#11 Keep Smile, Beautiful Quotes

Beautiful Quotes

Beautiful Quotes

Whatever makes up i feel bad, leave it.
 Whatever makes you smile, Keep it

#10 Beautiful Quotes

Beautiful Quotes

Beautiful Quotes

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss,
 ends with a tear, when you were born, 
you were crying and everyone around you was smiling.
 Live your life so that when you die, 
you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying

#9 The beauty in a woman

Beautiful Quotes

There is beauty in a woman 

whose confidence comes from experience;

 a woman who knows she can fall,

pick herself up, and move on.

#8 Beautiful Quotes about love

Beautiful Quotes About Love

A bell is no bell til you ring it, 

A song is no song til you sing it,

And love in your heart Was not put there to stay
Love is not love 'til you give it away