Monday 23 May 2016

You can go your own way

Inspirational Quotes

You can go your own way

You can go your own way

Get what you give.

Life Quotes

Life Quotes

Be a reflection of what you'd like to see in others!
If you want love, give love, if you want honestry,
give honestry, if you want respect, give respect.
You get in return, what you give!

Sunday 22 May 2016

Funny inspirational life quotes

Inspirational Quotes

Funny inspirational life quotes

Stop waiting for prince Charming.
Get up and find him.
The poor idiot may be stuck in a
tree o something.

Funny inspirational quotes sayings

Positive Sayings

Positive Sayings

Life is funny. Things change, people change,
but you will always be you, so stay true to
yourself and never sacrifice who you are
for anyone.

Free funny inspirational quotes

Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational Quotes

I do not advocate violence.
I advocate peace.
And them just when my opponent believes me,
I punch him in the face.

-Buster Guru