Wednesday 16 August 2017

Quotes And Sayings on Life

Quotes On Life

Quotes And Sayings
Quotes And Sayings

No matter how good or bad you think life is,
wake up each day and be ...
Thankful For Life.
Someone somewhere else is fighting
to survive

Quotes About Relationships And Love

Quotes About Relationships

Quotes About Relationships
Quotes About Relationships

All relationships have one law.
Never make the one you love feel alone,
especially when you are there.

Quotes About Love And Time

Quotes About Love

Quotes About Love

So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard.
We are gonna have to work at this every day, but i
want to do that because i want you. I want all of you,
forever, you and me, everyday...
- Ryan Gosling

Quotes About Life And Hope

Quotes About Life

Quotes About Life
Quotes About Life

There was never a night or a problem
that could defeat sunrise or hope.
- Bernard Williams

Quotes About Happiness in Love

Quotes About Happiness

Quotes About Happiness
Quotes About Happiness

Its hard to pretend you love
someone when you do not, but
it's even harder to pretend that you
do not love someone when you really do.