Sunday 29 September 2019

#2 Quotes About Pain And Gain

Quotes About Pain And Gain 

Quotes About Pain And Gain
Quotes About Pain And Gain

Amidst all pain and gain,
I found love in those blue-tickes
and the white light of the phone's screen at night!
- Quotes About Pain And Gain
By Bongs

#1 No Venture No Gain Quotes

No Venture No Gain Quotes 

No Venture No Gain Quotes
No Venture No Gain Quotes

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly
find out how far once can go.
- No Venture No Gain Quotes
By T. S. Eliot

Saturday 28 September 2019

#10 Gym Quotes No Pain No Gain

Gym Quotes No Pain No Gain 

Gym Quotes No Pain No Gain
Gym Quotes No Pain No Gain

Sometimes you try to fly and you fall. Remember your
falls  are not fatal, they are just a little painful. Endure
the pain, clean the blood stain, you'll surely again! get up and fly again!
- Gym Quotes No Pain No Gain
By Israelmore Ayivor

#9 Quotes About Gaining Confidence

Quotes About Gaining Confidence 

Successful people have fear, successful people have 
doubts, and successful people have worries. They just
do not let these feelings stop them.
- Quotes About Gaining Confidence
By T. Harv Eker

#8 Quotes About Gains

Quotes About Gains 

Quotes About Gains
Quotes About Gains

Endure the pain enjoy the gain.
- Quotes About Gains