Tuesday 31 May 2016

Trust in God

Faith Quotes

Trust in God

There are times in out Christian life when
we cannot see beyond the next step. At
that point, we have to trust God and venture
out on the basis of His Word.

Quotes About Faith

Quotes About Faith

Quotes About Faith

God did not promise day without pain,
laughter without sorrow, or sun without
rain, but he did promise strength for the
day, comfort for the way. If God brings
you to it, He will bring you through it.

Faith - Believe in yourself

Faith Quotes

Faith Quotes

Believe in yourself!
Have faith in your abilities!
Without a humble but reasonable
confidence in your own powers
you cannot be successful or happy.

- Norman Vincent Peale

A peaceful Mind Generates Power

Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking

  • Empty your mind of fears, hates, insecurities, regrets, and guilt feelings.
  • Fill it with peaceful experiences and thoughts.
  • Talk gently and optimistically to be peaceful.
  • Daily practice silence and throw your mind into neutral.
  • Conceive of your mind as the surface of a body of water and make sure
    there is not a ripple. Then listen to the deeper sounds of harmony and
    beauty and of God.

Positive Thinking Power Affirmations.

Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking

Now i'm going to ask you a couple more questions, then we'll get started.
1. What are you beliefs ?
2. What are the limits to your desires ?
. To answer #1, you must realize that your beliefs are the direct result of you.
. The answer to #2, is #1 - your desires are only limited by your beliefs.
. I take full responsibility for everything about me - even the thoughts i think.
. I am in control of the vast resources of my own mind.