Wednesday 16 August 2017

Wisdom Quotes And Sayings

Wisdom Quotes

Quotes And Sayings

God's plan is always the best.
Sometimes, the process is painful and hard,
but do not forget that when God is silent,
He is doing something for you.

Top Quotes And Sayings

Top Quotes

Quotes And Sayings
Quotes And Sayings

Holding a grudge does not make you
strong; it makes you bitter. Forgiving does 
not make you weak; it sets you free.
From " The Seven Laws of Love "
By: "Dave Willis"
- Top Quotes And Sayings

Success Quotes And Sayings

Success Quotes

Quotes And Sayings
Quotes And Sayings
Successful People never ask 
if things will work. They are
willing to try and find out.
- Brad Gosse

Quotes And Sayings
Quotes And Sayings

The study your mistakes do not reveal
the secret of success, but the study of
self sacrifice and effort itself will.

Quotes And Sayings
Quotes And Sayings

Nothing can make you a failure without
your consent. Nothing can make you a success
without your hard work.
- Dr T.P. Chia

Smile Quotes And Sayings

Smile Quotes

Quotes And Sayings
Quotes And Sayings

A smile can open a heart faster then
a key can open a lock. Smiles are free, 
so please do not save them. Brighten
the world with your smile.
- The Coach

Quotes And Sayings About Happiness

Sayings About Happiness

Quotes And Sayings
Quotes And Sayings

Happiness is a choice, not a result.
Nothing will make you happy until 
you choose to be happy. No person 
will make you happy unless you decide
to be happy. Your happiness will not come
to you. It can only come from you.
- Ralph Marslon