Thursday 17 August 2017

Creative Quotes And Sayings

Creative Quotes 

Creative Quotes And Sayings
Albert Einstein Quotes
Creative Quotes And Sayings

Creativity is intelligence having fun.
- Albert Einstein

Creative Work Quotes And Sayings

Creative Work Quotes

Creative Work Quotes And Sayings

Be stubborn about your goals.
And flexible about your methods.

Promotion Quotes And Sayings

Promotion Quotes

Promotion Quotes And Sayings
Promotion Quotes And Sayings

Without promotion something
terrible happens ... Nothing!

- John G. Stevens

Social Media Quotes And Sayings

Social Media Quotes

Social Media Quotes And Sayings
Social Media Quotes And Sayings

Make your content about your customers,
not about you. Make the customers the hero.
- Ann Handley, Marketing Profs

Marketing Strategy Quotes And Sayings

Marketing Strategy Quotes

Marketing Strategy Quotes
Marketing Strategy Quotes And Sayings

The customer is not always right.
But if you do not listen to them,
your product won't be either.

- Oli Gardner
Co-founder of unbounce