Tuesday 17 September 2019

#7 Yoga And Health Quotes

Yoga And Health Quotes 

Yoga And Health Quotes
Yoga And Health Quotes

Yoga is the art work of awareness on the
cancas of body, mind and soul.
- Yoga And Health Quotes

#6 Awesome Practice Quotes


Awesome Practice Quotes

Awesome Practice Quotes
Awesome Practice Quotes

Golf is the closest game to the game we call life.
You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good
breaks from bad shots - but you have to play the you
have to play the ball where it lies.
- Awesome Practice Quotes
By Bobby Jones

#5 Short Inspirational Practice Quotes

Short Inspirational Practice Quotes 

Short Inspirational Practice Quotes
Short Inspirational Practice Quotes

Practice golden rule management in everything
you do. Manage others the way you would like
to be managed.
- Short Inspirational Practice Quotes
By Brian Tracy

#4 Inspirational Practice Quotes

Inspirational Practice Quotes 

Inspirational Practice Quotes
Inspirational Practice Quotes

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.
 If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
- Inspirational Practice Quotes
By Dalai Lama 

#3 Funny Practice Quotes

Funny Practice Quotes 

Funny Practice Quotes
Funny Practice Quotes

It's a funny thing, the more 
I practice the luckier I get.
- Funny Practice Quotes
By Arnold Palmer