Tuesday 19 August 2014

#6 If you want to get over a problem

 Joyce Meyer Quotes

 Joyce Meyer Quotes

If you want to get over a problem, stop talking about it. 
Your mind affects your mouth,
and your mouth affects your mind.
 It's difficult to stop talking about a situazion until you stop thinking about it.

- Joyce Meyer Quotes

#5 Once we understand

Joyce Meyer Quotes

Joyce Meyer Quotes

Once we understand how God sees us through Christ, 
we can refrain from caring what people think about us,
 and feeling bad about ourselves. 
We do not have to be addicted to their approval, 
because we already have God's

- Joyce Meyer Quotes

#4 People can't see

Joyce Meyer Quotes

Joyce Meyer Quotes

People can't see what's in your heart they can only see what you do