Monday 5 October 2015

#15 Ever Forget - 3 type of people in your life.

Life Quotes

Life Quotes

Ever Forget

3 Types of people in your life:

1. Who helped you in your difficult times.
2. Who left you in your difficult times.
3. Who put you in difficult time.

#14 I longed for something beautiful.



I longed for something beautiful.

In this corrupted world until i realized

my world IS beautiful

#13 It 's a beautiful day



It 's a beautiful day, do not let it.
Get Away

#12 You are beautiful



You are beautiful

#12 Joyce Meyer - Keep Thinking about right things.

Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer

If you stay busy thinking about right things the devil won't be able to fill your mind with wrong things.

-Joyce Meyer.

#11 Joyce Meyer - Patience is not the ability to wait.

Joyce Meyer Quotes

Joyce Meyer Quotes

Patience is not the ability to wait but the ability 
to keep a good attitude while waiting. 

- Joyce Meyer Quotes

#10 Joyce Meyer - Anyway enjoy your life.

Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer

If you can not learn to enjoy your life when you have problems, you may never enjoy it because we'll always have problems.

- Joyce Meyer