Sunday, 26 July 2015

#9 Future Generation Quotes

"In the future, human rights will be increasingly a universal criterion for designing ethical systema." -Mahnaz Afkhami

"In this society the young people from the cities and from the countryside, professionals or not, often unemployed, have allmeans to join and reinforce our efforts to raise the brave torch of Human Right that illuminates the way in which the future of us all in decided." -Martin Almada

"We cannot change the past, but we can change our attitude toward it. Uproot guilt and plant forgiveness. Tear out arrogance and seed humility. Exchange love for hate --- thereby, making the present comfortable and the future promising" --Maya Angelou

"The future of peace and prosperity that we seek for all the world's peoples needs a foundation of toleranc, security, equality and justice" --Kofi Annan

"The global work of the United Nations is not without reason compared to that of family -- striving for a common goal in concert with all members for a beeter future." --Kofi Annan

"Promises are the uniquely human way of ordering the future, making it predictable and reliable to the extent that this is humanly possibile." --Hannah Arendt

"There is never time in the future in which we will work out our salvation. The challenge is in the moment; the time is always now." -- James A.Baldwin

"We are committed with our lives to building a different model and a different future for Humanity, the Earth, and other species. We have envisaged a moral alternative to economic globalization and we will not rest until we see it realized." --Maude Barlow

"School feeding not only fills stomachs but has a proven track record of boosting enrollment, attendance and academic performance. For just pennies a day per child, this program changes lives - and ultimately can impact the futures of poor countries around the world in a profound way." --Drew Barrymore.

"These children and theirparents know that getting an education is not only their right, but a passport to a better future - for the children and for the country." --Harry Belafont

"We are not lacking in the dynamic forces needed to create the future. We live immersed in a sea of energy beyond all comprehension." --Thomas Berry

"When the story of these times gets written, we want it to say that we didi all we could, and it was more than anyone could have imagined." -- Bono

"One faces the future with one's past." --Pearl S.Buck

"Let us continue to strive together for a more inclusive, democratic, and peaceful future for us all." --Fernando Cardoso.

"To the wrongs that need resistance, to the right that needs assistance, to the future in the distance, Give yourselves." --Carrie Chapman Catt

"All of us should be invovled in our own futures to create a world that our children will want to live in." -- Harry Chapin.

"The main goal of the future is to stop violence. The world is addicted to it." -- Bill Cosby

"The past is a ghost, the future a dream, and all we ever have is now." --Bill Cosby

"Education, therefore, is a process of living and not a preparation for future living." -- John Dewey

"Be not discouraged. There is a future for you ... the resistance encountered now predicates hope .." --Frederick Douglass

"The debt that each gneration owes to the past it must pay to the future." --Abigail Duniway