Friday, 5 April 2019

#2 Famous Positive Quotes By Kim Jong Un

Famous Positive Quotes 

Famous Positive Quotes By Kim Jong Un
Famous Positive Quotes By Kim Jong Un 

The United States must choose!
it's up to you whether the nation
called the United States exists on
this planet or not.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Famous Positive Quotes By Kim Jong Un
Famous Positive Quotes By Kim Jong Un 

If you love someone tell them...
Because hearts are often broken 
by unspoken words.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Famous Positive Quotes By Kim Jong Un
Famous Positive Quotes By Kim Jong Un 
[North Korea] can tip new-type intercontinental
ballistic rockets with more powerful nuclear
warheads and keep any cesspool of evils in the
earth, including the US mainland, within our striking
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Famous Positive Quotes By Kim Jong Un
Famous Positive Quotes By Kim Jong Un 

Nothing will be beyond our reach when we
make the flames of creating positive deeds 
flare up across the country with the virtues 
of the young vanguard as the initial spark
and bring into full play the mounting vigour
of the millions of young people.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes