Sunday 27 July 2014

#7 Change your world

Joel Osteen Quotes

Joel Osteen Quotes

You can change your world by changing your words ... Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue.

Joel Osteen Quotes

#6 Love overlooks

Joel Osteen Quotes

Joel Osteen Quotes

Love overlooks a person's faults. 
That's not always easy, 
but love believes the best in every person. 
Anybody can return evil for evil, 
but God wants his people to help heal wounded hearts

#5 Life is a fight.

Joel Osteen Quotes 

Joel Osteen Quotes
Joel Osteen Quotes

Life is a fight it is a good fight of faith
- Joel Osteen Quotes

#4 Best Friend

Joel Osteen Quotes

Positive Thinking

I take you to be my best friend, my faithful partner, and my one true love.i promise to encourage you & inspire you and to love you truly though good time and bad.i will forever be there to laugh eith you, to lift you up when you are down and to love you unconditionally through all of our adventure in life together.

Joel Osteen Quotes

#3 You were created to be a history maker

Joel Osteen Quotes

joel osteen quotes
Positive Thinking

You were never created to live an average life.You Were created to be a history maker.
Joel Osteen Quote