Monday 4 December 2017

Famous Positive Quotes

Famous Positive Quotes

Famous Positive Quotes
Famous Positive Quotes

Family is not always blood. It's the people in your life
who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who
you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile
and who love you no matter what.

Famous Positive Quotes

Famous Positive Quotes

Famous Positive Quotes
Famous Positive Quotes

Do not ignore the love you DO have
in your life by focusing on the love
you do not.
-- Mandy Hale

Famous Positive Quotes

Famous Positive Quotes

Famous Positive Quotes
Famous Positive Quotes

To get something you 've never had,
you have to do something you've never done.
- Unknown

Famous Positive Quotes

Famous Positive Quotes

Famous Positive Quotes
Famous Positive Quotes

People of character do the right thing
even if no one else does, not because they
think it will change the world but because
they refuse to be changed by the world.
-- Michael Josephson

Famous Positive Quotes

Famous Positive Quotes

Famous Positive Quotes
Famous Positive Quotes

Do not feel bad if people remember you only
when they need you. Feel privileged that you
are like a candle that comes to their mind when
there is darkness.