Monday 4 January 2021

69 Positive Marriage Quotes

 69 Positive Marriage Quotes 

69 Positive Marriage Quotes
69 Positive Marriage Quotes

Just because you are right does not 
mean i am wrong, you just have not 
seen life from my position.

Positive Quotes For 2019

 Positive Quotes For 2019 

Positive Quotes For 2019
Positive Quotes For 2019

Note to self:
Nobody is worth stressing over.
Move on. It's ok to leave people
behind. Go find yourself the world 
is yours. 
Life goes on.

Good thoughts of the day small

 Good thoughts of the day small 

Good thoughts of the day small
Good thoughts of the day small

One small positive thought in the
morning can change your whole day.

Positive breakup quotes for her

Positive breakup quotes for her 

Positive breakup quotes for her
Positive breakup quotes for her

He's going to be sorry he lost you,
so stop worrying. Forget the past,
forget the pain and remember what
an incredible woman you are.


Positive Biblical Quotes

Positive Biblical Quotes 

Positive Biblical Quotes
Positive Biblical Quotes

Finally, brothers, whatever is true.
Whatever is Honorable, whatever is just,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever
is commendable, if there is ant excellence, if there 
is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
- Phil 4:8