Thursday 14 June 2018

Best Quotes About Life Love

Best Quotes

Best Quotes About Life Love
Best Quotes About Life Love

There are 4 very
Important words in life:
love, honesty, truth, respect.
Without these in you life, 
you have nothing.

Good Quotes About Life And Karma

Good Quotes

Good Quotes About Life And Karma
Good Quotes About Life And Karma

One of the greatest gifts you can bestow 
upon another. If someone is in need, lend them
a helping hand. Do not wait for a thank you. True
kindness lies within the act of giving without the expextation
of something in return.

Famous Quotes About Life By Steve Jobs

Famous Quotes

Famous Quotes About Life By Steve Jobs
Famous Quotes About Life By Steve Jobs

Your work is going to fill a large part
of your life, and the only way to be truly
satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.
- Steve Jobs Quotes

Nice Quotes About Life Journey

Great Quotes

Nice Quotes About Life Journey
Nice Quotes About Life Journey

You were given this life...
Because you were strong enough to live it.

Good Quotes About Life Journey

Good Quotes

Good Quotes About Life Journey
Good Quotes About Life Journey

Life is journey, there is going to be ups
and downs, twists and turns, bit as long
as i am with you nothing else matters.