Sunday 17 August 2014

#8 Change your focus

Joel Osteen Quotes

Joel Osteen Quotes
Positive Thoughts

Change your focus from the problem to the promise

- Joel Osteen Quotes

#7 Forward for a better future

Quotes About Life
Quotes About Life
Quotes About Life

Do not think about what brought you where you are today. It will just drive you crazy. look forward for a better future there is always something better to look forward to ...

#6 Enjoy the little things in life

Quotes About Life

Quotes About Life
Quotes About Life

Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you will look back, and realize they were the big things.

#5 Never Late

Quotes About Life

Quotes About Life
Quotes About Life

It is never too late to become 

what you might have been.

- Georfe Eliot

#4 Do not judge me

Quotes About Better Life

Quotes About Better Life

Do not Judge me. I was born to be Awesome not perfect