Wednesday 16 August 2017

Quotes About Fun And Friends

Quotes About Fun

Quotes About Fun
Quotes About Fun

You can always tell when two people are
best friends because they are having more fun
that it makes sense for them to be having.

Power of God Quotes

Power of God

Quotes And Sayings
Quotes And Sayings

Believe in the power of God in your life,
that will get you through anything.

Positive thoughts quotes and sayings

Positive Thoughts

Quotes And Sayings
Quotes And Sayings

When you can not control what is happening,
challenge yourself to control the way you respond
to what's happening. That 's where your power is.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Business Quotes And Sayings

Business Quotes

Quotes And Sayings
Quotes And Sayings

I believe that being successful means
having a balance of success stories across
the many areas of your life. You can not 
truly be considered successful in your business
life if your home is in shambles
 - Zig Ziglar

Positive Thinking Quotes And Sayings

Positive Thinking Quotes

Quotes And Sayings
Quotes And Sayings

If you can see a positive
side to everything, you'll be
able to live a much richer life
than others
- Celestine Chua