Thursday 19 September 2019

#1 Interesting Practices Quotes

Interesting Practices Quotes 

Interesting Practices Quotes
Interesting Practices Quotes

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples;
no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our 
own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
- Interesting Practices Quotes
By Balai Lama 

Wednesday 18 September 2019

#19 Practice Makes Permanent Quotes

Practice Makes Permanent Quotes 

Practice Makes Permanent Quotes
Practice Makes Permanent Quotes

Practice makes permanent, not perfect.
If you practice the wrong thing, you make
the wrong act permanent.
- Practice Makes Permanent Quotes
By Hamza Yusuf

Bruce Lee Quotes On Practice

Bruce Lee Quotes On Practice 

Bruce Lee Quotes On Practice
Bruce Lee Quotes On Practice

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000
kicks once, but i fear the man who has practiced
one kick 10,000 times.
- Bruce Lee Quotes On Practice
By Bruce Lee

#17 Motivational Quotes On Practice

Motivational Quotes On Practice 

Motivational Quotes On Practice
Motivational Quotes On Practice

No matter how talented you are,
you talent will fail you, if you are
not skilled. Skill is achieved through
practice. Work hard and dedicate yourself
to being better every single day.
- Motivational Quotes On Practice
By Will Smith

#16 Practice Dance Quotes

Practice Dance Quotes 

Practice Dance Quotes
Practice Dance Quotes

The smartest thing I did in law school;
asking my future wife to go out dancing
with me. The smartest thing I did whe practicing law;
quitting. The smartest thing I 've done in writing; following
my own head and writing; following my own head and writing
what I wanted to write, and nothing but.
 - Practice Dance Quotes
By Ben Fountain