Thursday 14 June 2018

Best Quotes About Life Happiness

Best Quotes

Best Quotes About Life Happiness
Best Quotes About Life Happiness

Life is a circle of happiness,
sadness, hard time, and good times.
If you are going through hard times
have faith that good times are on the way.

Famous Quotes About Life In General

Famous Quotes

Famous Quotes About Life In General
Famous Quotes About Life In General

If you love and get hurt, love more.
If you love more and hurt more, love even more.
If you love even more and get hurt even more, love
some more until it hurts no more.

Best Quotes About Life God

Best Quotes

Best Quotes About Life God
Best Quotes About Life God

Only God can turn a MESS into a message,
a TEST into a testimony, a TRIAL into a triumph,
a VICTIM into a victory

Good Quotes About Life Going On

Good Quotes

Good Quotes About Life Going On
Good Quotes About Life Going On

The secret of being HAPPY
 is accepting where you are
in life and make the most out
of everyday

Famous Quotes About Life Goals

Famous Quotes

Famous Quotes About Life Goals
Famous Quotes About Life Goals

Write down your goals, make plans
to achieve them, and work on your
plans every single day.
Brian Tracy

Quotes About Life From The Bible

Great Quotes

Quotes About Life From The Bible
Quotes About Life From The Bible

Forgive them even if they
are not sorry
- Mark 11:25

Great Quotes For Life

Great Quotes

Great Quotes For Life
Great Quotes For Life

A meaningful silence is always
better than meaningless words.