Wednesday 6 December 2017

Bill Gates Quotes

Bill Gates Quotes 

Bill Gates Quotes
Bill Gates Quotes

I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job...
because, he will find an easy way to do  it.
- Bill Gates Quotes

Bill Gates Quotes

Bill Gates Quotes 

Bill Gates Quotes
Bill Gates Quotes

Your most unhappy customers are
your greatest source of learning.
- Bill Gates Quotes

Bill Gates Quotes

Bill Gates Quotes 

Bill Gates Quotes
Bill Gates Quotes

Bill Gates
It's fine to celebrate success but
it is more important to heed the
lessons of failure.
- Bill Gates Quotes

Bill Gates Quotes

Bill Gates Quotes 

Bill Gates Quotes
Bill Gates Quotes

Do not compare yourself with anyone
in this world ... if you do so, you are
insulting yourself.
- Bill Gates Quotes