Wednesday 6 March 2019

#1 Inspirational Quotes By Anuj Somany

Inspirational Quotes 

Inspirational Quotes By Anuj Somany
Inspirational Quotes By Anuj Somany 

Motivational or Inspirational Quotes are essentially to enlighten minds by
creating awareness than o entertain people by competing with one another as
who can say better about Success And Happiness.
- Anuj Somany

Monday 4 March 2019

#4 Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany 

Anuj Somany
Anuj Somany 

First person to appreciate the good points of others is always special
in life as he or she manifests his or her leadership through initiatives.
- Anuj Somany

#3 Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany 

Anuj Somany
Anuj Somany 

The lifestyle of a boss percolates down to every level of the system
and reflects its image in the work-style of his or her subordinates. More
at the top, medium at the center and meagre at the bottom.
- Anuj Somany

#2 Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany 

Anuj Somany
Anuj Somany 

The more a person has intention to fill up own life with material things,
 the less s/he tends to feel and think good for the people.
- Anuj Somany

#1 Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany 

Anuj Somany
Anuj Somany 

When a person says only what others love to hear,
he is largely liked; but if he loves to say what he likes
only, then others hardly hear him.
- Anuj Somany