Saturday 28 May 2016

Becoming Positive

Positive Quotes

Becoming Positive

When we wish and seek to help others,
Our attitude is more positive and relationships
become easier. We are less afraid and have less anxiety.
Otherwise we remain shy and hesitant, and feel the
need to take a thousand precautions before we approach
people. When our intentions are good, we have greater
self-confidence and are stronger. This is how we learn
to understand how precious and valuable kindness is.
-Dalai Lama

Thursday 26 May 2016

Be Positive

Positive Quotes

Be Positive

I was reminded that my blood type is Be Positive

Becoming more positive.

Positive Quotes

Positive Quotes

Your experience of life is not based on your life,
but what you pay attention to.

- Gregg Krech

Be a positive person

Positive Quotes

Positive Quotes

In all realms of life it takes courage
to stretch your limits, express your
power, and fulfill your potential...
it's no different in the financial realm